Alex V. Speech Pathology has clinics located in Brisbane and in Ipswich. We work to build real and trusting relationships with both children and parents because we know that successful speech therapy is a team effort. We believe that by connecting with children and making the therapy fun, as well as equipping parents with information and exercises to practice at home, we can achieve our goals more effectively.
Every child faces unique challenges when learning to communicate with the world around them. Some children need a little extra assistance to express themselves clearly or understand the complexities of language and social interaction.
Language, especially spoken language, is the primary way we connect with the world around us. When we struggle to make that connection, it can be both isolating and frustrating. While some children do “grow out of” difficulties with speech and language, for others, the problem can persist and have a significant impact on their future academic ability, social skills, self-esteem and behaviour. The earlier a problem is identified and treated, the less likely it will cause long term issues.